jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

Post 5: My future job

I would like to work as a journalist (that's maybe obvious), and I imagine it like a thing that I would do for the rest of my life.  I think that the road to get a job in this work area it will be hard, because there is a lot of people looking for a job as a journalist and they aren’t founding one. I see that as a huge problem. Also, in this society applies the “having contacts” rule, making more difficult the situation of applying for a job in a regular way, because the bosses give work to his relatives and people who they know.
I would like to work outdoor and indoor, because I’d like to work at radio and a newspaper, maybe having conversations with politicians and generate debates, and going to the streets to talk with the people about topical issues that concern them.
I think that travel around the world is my biggest dream, and it would be better if I would get to travel thanks to my job. I think I can do that if I work as a correspondent.
I don’t care about the salary now, and when I choose this career I never thought about it. I think that you don’t to warry so much about the salary, it is important for surviving but I guess that is more important think about doing something that fill your soul and make you happy.
Currently I’m studying journalism, but I would like to do a major in political sciences.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

Post 4: my favorite book.

My favorite book of all times is "The Hunger Games" and it trilogy, wich is "On Fire" and "Sinsajo". The first time I read the book I've was 14 years old, and I read it like a freak; I could'nt stop reading, even I read in classes. The Hunger Games was very addictive. I read the second book of the trilogy after I saw the movie, because I didn't have enough money to buy it. A friend of mine had the book and I borrowed it. Then, my parents gave me the final book of the trilogy at christmas. I recommend it because it has a good history and  it's an easy book to read because is entertaining.

I'm open to read any kind of books, but my preferences are the utopic novels, books of investigation, thriller and maybe romantic books.

My favorite author (for now) is Stephen King. I started to read his books a while ago, and they are very interesting, because he keep you caught in every page. I read "It" and "The Shining", and now I want to read "Cujo".

The last book I read was called "La Mujer Rota" written by Simone de Beauvoir. I didn't finished yet because I started to read it when we started the classes, so my free time was dedicated to read my college's book. I would like to pick up that reading at holidays.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2019

Post 3: My favorite tv series

My favourite tv series of all time is “Friends”. I wasn’t born yet when this series was on air, but I get to know it thanks to my older sister, because she always watched it and I started to watch friends with her. Since that moment I never stop to watch it. I like this series because is funny and I like the different stories of the group. Also, this series help me with my english practice, because I see it with subtitles and audio in english.
My preferences are diverse, because one day I can watch a funny series and other day I’m going to watch a drama series. It depends of my mood and if I have good references about the series. I think that the type of series that I watch the less is anime.
The most recent series that I watched was “13 reasons why”. I follow that series since its release, and recently Netflix upload the third season, but I’m not finished yet! I definitely recommend this series because you can reflect about things that other series didn’t show so vividly, like violation, suicide and bullying at a school. It’s hard to watch because of the images that appears, but it worth it.