jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

Post 2 (week 4) the best concert ever

The first concert I went to was of the boy band "One Direction". They played at Estadio Nacional on May 1st, 2014 and I went with four cousins and two aunts. I was 13 years old in that year and I was a huge fan of One Direction since I was 11, and when I found out that they will come to Chile it was the greatest new I've ever heard. I was anxious about it, because I didn´t know if I'm going to catch a ticket, owing to the amount of people that wanted to go to the concert. But I've had a happy ending: my parents bought me a ticket and I felt the happiest girl in the whole world.
I was far from the stage, because I went to gallery, but I didn't care about the distance. The concert was AMAZING, and I think that it was the best day of my life (thinking like a kid). I sang all of the songs and I jumped, yelled and also cried. They ended the show with fireworks and it was awesome. I really enjoyed the show and is the best memory of my childhood. But the concert had a funny fact: the next day of the concert I went to ask for my ticket, to keep it and have it for a memory, but it was lost!

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Post 1 (week 3) A country I'd like to visit

I would like to visit a lot of places all around the world, but the country I'd like to visit the most is England, because aesthetically is a beautiful place with so many tourist sites, for example The Big Ben, the stonehenge, the Buckingham Palace and the hyde park. Apart from travel the city, I wanna go to England to practice my english and improve it. Also, I'd like to know people of all nationalities and learn about the culture of each one, like. Also, I want to know how the English people celebrate they national holidays.
I would like to study in there and maybe go in a exchange programme during my stay at the university. If that option doesn't work I'm gonna work in Chile to save a little bit of  money and then I'm gonna travel to England and see if there's a chance to work in a newspaper practising my profession. That would be such a dream come true.

Resultado de imagen para lugares turísticos inglaterra  Resultado de imagen para buckingham palace

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019

Practice post

Our generation was born at a global society and we have incorporated the technology in every daily activity. We use our cellphones, most of the time, reviewing our social media and we waste a lot of time using Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, and others. 
I think that isn't safe to give any personal information on websites, because we don't know who is watching our information or our photos. All of my social media are private, and I don't plubish all the things that I do or the places I go. But I have to admit that I spend a lot of time using Instagram, that's my favorite social media because most of my friends use the same app, and I like to watch memes and take selfies. I don't like to share my location in real time on instagram or facebook because I think that is unnecessary and I dont't like to expose myself in that way.