jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Post 1 (week 3) A country I'd like to visit

I would like to visit a lot of places all around the world, but the country I'd like to visit the most is England, because aesthetically is a beautiful place with so many tourist sites, for example The Big Ben, the stonehenge, the Buckingham Palace and the hyde park. Apart from travel the city, I wanna go to England to practice my english and improve it. Also, I'd like to know people of all nationalities and learn about the culture of each one, like. Also, I want to know how the English people celebrate they national holidays.
I would like to study in there and maybe go in a exchange programme during my stay at the university. If that option doesn't work I'm gonna work in Chile to save a little bit of  money and then I'm gonna travel to England and see if there's a chance to work in a newspaper practising my profession. That would be such a dream come true.

Resultado de imagen para lugares turísticos inglaterra  Resultado de imagen para buckingham palace

4 comentarios:

  1. Since I watched Skins, I think this country is very interesting and I really, really like the british english <3

  2. Traveling all over the world is also my dream. The Big Ben is a construction amazing!!

  3. Oh, that is a very nice country, and London in the pictures is so beautyful.

  4. An exchange programme in England must be a great experience!!
